To impart excellence and value-based Commerce Education by inculcating Professional and Business Ethics
To build professionals, leaders and entrepreneurial with loyalty and concern towards the society.
The Department of Commerce was established in the year 1982 with 01 teacher and about 60 students. Over a period of 36 years, the department has grown from strength to strength and now has 11full time faculties and 800 students. This is the biggest department in the college and more than 75% of the total student’s strength of the college consists of commerce students. Out of the 12 staff members, 5 have obtained PhD, Degrees, 3 are pursuing M. Phil’s. The Faculties has been recognized as Research Guide, Chairmen of DOC, BOS, BOE, and Syllabus Revision Committee Member and they have been conferred with a number of prestigious State, National and International awards. The department has organized several workshops, seminars, competitions, the faculty of the department consistently encourages the students to participate in sports, NSS, NCC and other extracurricular activities.
Department has having full fledged Business Lab working under the guidance of the coordinator Prof., B Manjunatha Prasad and Asst., coordinator Prof., Srikhanth. The lab activities by the student’s resulted is 712 short term project on various issues, 102 online projects, 229 display charts and 19 business models for conducting student projects both online and offline.
The department adopted and made use of the Information Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching techniques effectively. There is academic flexibility in vertical growth of students’ community to join for MBA and M.Com. Courses in our own college.
Head of the Department
Dr. K. Shashikala
HOD & Associate Professor
Mobile : +91 9964184167
Email :

- To impart wholesome education consisting of academics, moral and ethical values to ensure the development of overall personality of the students.
- To give professional and creative career guidance to the students to make them ready for facing the global competition.
- To inculcate logical and analytical bent of mind to solve practical tasks.
- To orient the students towards professional courses thereby build entrepreneurs for tomorrow.
- Experienced and Research oriented faculty.
- Good infrastructure facilities.
- Good result with distinction.
- Remedial classes are conducted for slow learners.
- Regular Skill development activities to enhance students’ interpersonal communication.
- Well-equipped Business Lab for conducting student projects both online and offline.
- Assignments – offline and online
- Power Point Presentation
- Class seminars
- Study material – Hard copy
- Class Quiz
- Question paper discussion
- Unit test
- Group discussion
- Assignments
- Power Point Presentation
- Class seminars.
- Study material.
- Class Quiz
- Question paper discussion
- Unit test
- Group discussion
- To establish research centre for commerce as majority of the teachers are doctorates so all so guiding research works in other universities
- To introduce certificate courses in ERP solutions, taxation sales management etc.
- Training centre for professional courses such as CA, ICWA, ACS etc.
- To prepare the students for various competitive examinations like KAS, IAS, IRS, IPS. CA, ACS, and ICMA, etc.,
- To create more awareness for students in research area.
- The majority of the students are from rural background. So, it is a big challenge for the faculty to create.
- Upgrading the department with research facilities.
- To Organize UGC sponsored seminars, workshops and conferences.
- To Strengthen Institution-Industry interface for the projects and job-oriented benefits of the students.
