International Conference :
- “GST & Issues of Taxation on petroleum Products” ISSN No: 2393-9796 with impact factor 3.220 Indo Global Journal of commerce and economics.
- ‘Innovation Management in the knowledge – driven economy’ on 31.3.16 “A Study on Role played by the women entrepreneurs in Indian economic” ISBN No: 978-93-5258-833-6.
- ‘Emerging strategies to sustain global competition’ on 31.03.15. “A study on CRM at big bazaar, Bangalore” ISBN No: 978-163102664-5.
- ‘Strategies for Sustainable global economy’ on 09.03.15. “A study on the Indian bullion market & its effect on the Indian economic growth”. ISBN No: 978-93-5212-226-4
- ‘Achieving sustainable global economy’ on 07.03.14. “A study on present Scenario on portfolio management”. ISBN No: 978-93-5156314-3.